Faithful 64x - Minecraft Resource Packs - CurseForge
The go-to 64x resource pack for Minecraft. The logical next step in upscaling Minecraft textures. Just like Faithful 32x, this pack is based on the default art—masterfully remade in quadruple the resolution and adding just the right amount of extra detail …
Compliance 64x - Bushier Leaves - CurseForge
Feb 28, 2022 · Add-ons for Compliance 64x that made vegetal plants more bushy 17.3K Downloads | Resource Packs
Download Faithful 64x - Minecraft Mods & Modpacks - CurseForge
The go-to 64x resource pack for Minecraft. The logical next step in upscaling Minecraft textures. Just like Faithful 32x, this pack is based on the default art—masterfully remade in quadruple the resolution and adding just the right amount of extra detail …
Faithful 64x - Alternative Environment - CurseForge
Faithful 64x - Alternative Environment 1.0. Latest release. Release. R. 1.19.3; Oct 31, 2022; Members. haryamc Owner; Report. Description; Comments; Files; Gallery (5) Relations . Add variety to your world by introducing randomised textures for many blocks! CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.
Compliance 64x - Bushier Leaves - Files - CurseForge
Add-ons for Compliance 64x that made vegetal plants more bushy 17.2K Downloads | Resource Packs
Compliance Overlays [64x] - Minecraft Resource Packs - CurseForge
Compliance Overlays, now in 64x resolution! 2.7K Downloads | Resource Packs
Faithful 64x - Files - Minecraft Resource Packs - CurseForge
Apr 20, 2022 · An even more detailed experience with quadruple-resolution textures! 4.8M Downloads | Resource Packs
Faithful 64x: Bedrock - Minecraft Bedrock Addons - CurseForge
The go-to 64x resource pack for Minecraft. The logical next step in upscaling Minecraft textures. Just like Faithful 32x, this pack is based on the default art—masterfully remade in quadruple the resolution and adding just the right amount of extra detail …
Classic Faithful 64x Jappa - Minecraft Resource Packs - CurseForge
A 64x texture pack that maps the look and feel of Vattic's original Faithful pack onto a 64x canvas.
Download Compliance 64x - Bushier Leaves - CurseForge
Compliance 64x - Bushier Leaves. By haryamc. Resource Packs; 17,335; Description. Adds a bushy models to all leaves including azalea plants and flowers tall plants. This add-on aims to add more emerssive leaves details that are missing on Minecraft and it's more than a usual bush add-on. Sweet berrie model is also remade from scratch for more ...