Billy Budd, Sailor John Claggart Character Analysis
Seeking to destroy Billy, Claggart employs underhanded and vicious methods, falsely accusing Billy of mutiny in order to see him killed. In the novel’s Christian allegory, Claggart represents …
John Claggart Character Analysis in Billy Budd - LitCharts
The antagonist of the novella and the Indomitable's master-at-arms, Claggart is a deceptively wicked character. He has an attractive appearance (except for a protruding chin) and is able to …
John Claggart | Moby-Dick antagonist, Cruel Master-at-Arms
John Claggart, fictional character, the sinister master-at-arms aboard the ship Indomitable in the novel Billy Budd, Foretopman (written 1888–91, posthumously published 1924), the last work …
Character Analysis Claggart - BILLY BUDD
Claggart is in his mid thirties, somewhat thin and tall. His small and shapely hands attest to light labor. His most notable features are a cleanly chiseled chin and cunning violet eyes, which cut …
Billy Budd (play) - Wikipedia
Set aboard the British naval vessel HMS Indomitable at sea in 1798, Billy Budd is a handsome, young, pure hearted and impressionable man who is the representation of good in the play. [2] …
Claggart - CliffsNotes
Claggart is in his mid thirties, somewhat thin and tall. His small and shapely hands attest to light labor. His most notable features are a cleanly chiseled chin and cunning violet eyes, which cut …
Billy Budd, Sailor: Full Book Summary - SparkNotes
The contents of the pan trickle to the feet of the passing Claggart, who makes an offhand, seemingly lighthearted remark in recognition of the spill. His comment elicits a stream of …
Billy Budd by Herman Melville Plot Summary - LitCharts
The narrator describes the ship's master-at-arms, a man of uncertain origin named John Claggart. Aboard the Indomitable , Billy is widely admired, but often finds himself in minor trouble. He …
Billy Budd Chapter 8 Summary & Analysis - LitCharts
The narrator describes one of the petty officers of the Indomitable, named John Claggart, who was the master-at-arms. This position was originally for the purpose of instructing those …
John Claggart in Billy Budd Character Analysis - Shmoop
The result is that Claggart is portrayed as the antithesis (the exact opposite) of Billy Budd. Whereas Billy is almost completely good, Claggart is almost entirely evil. Here's a question …