Caring for Christmas Cactus - Dave's Garden
Dec 13, 2013 · The best time to fertilize Christmas cactus is in the spring. When you see new growth appearing at the end of the stems, it's time to fertilize your Christmas cactus. Use a liquid houseplant fertilizer of 10-10-10 according to the package directions. Fertilize Christmas cactus for only a few weeks during the spring.
Will the Real Christmas Cactus Please Stand Up - Dave's Garden
Dec 7, 2012 · The Christmas cactus has a rounded lobe on the edge of the leaf. Nothing pointed on this one. The phylloclades also arch downward. The Thanksgiving cactus leaves have soft points on the margins. The leaves are also very erect and tend to spread out more than the others. The Easter cactus is very easy to spot. The flowers are very different for ...
Christmas cactus turning light green and then yellow - Dave's …
Nov 7, 2015 · My Christmas cactus is turning light green and some of the smaller pads are turning yellow. It would not make sense to fertilize it this time of year. Can my problem be with the amount of light the plant is getting? This change of color seemed to begin this past summer when I set the plant on the north-facing front porch.
Christmas Cacti Care - Dave's Garden
Nov 20, 2014 · There are several plant species that are called Christmas cacti, but the true Christmas cactus is the plant discussed below, Schlumbergera x buckleyi, a hybrid of some very similar holiday cacti, and is a very common plant in cultivation.
Southwest Gardening:Caring for a Christmas Cactus - Dave's Garden
Nov 23, 2006 · Despite what you may read in articles by newspaper and magazine columnists (who either don't live in Arizona, or who live here but don't grow Christmas cacti), Christmas cactus and Thanksgiving cactus (genus Schlumbergera) are actually quite easy to grow successfully in the desert southwest, and in Arizona in particular.
Schlumbergera, Christmas Cactus, Holiday Cactus, Zygocactus …
This is the true "Christmas Cactus", not to be confused with Schlumbergera truncata, which is often referred to as "Holiday Cactus...Read More This is a 19th century hybrid between S. russelliana and S. truncata , created by William Buckley, of the Rollison Nurseries in England.
Thanksgiving Cactus - Dave's Garden
Nov 17, 2013 · Schlumbergera truncata is the scientific name of the Thanksgiving cactus, and the Christmas cactus is a cross between two species and correctly named S. ×buckleyi. Even though S. truncata is the Thanksgiving cactus, it is the one that is usually sold as Christmas cactus. Sellers call it Christmas cactus because it sells best by that name.
Cylindropuntia Species, Christmas Cactus, Tasajillo, Tesajo Cactus
Pencil Cholla, Desert Christmas Cactus, Christmas Cholla, Garambullo, Tasadijillo, Tasajillo, Tesage, Rat-tail Cactus, Slender Stem Cactu...Read More Opuntia leptocaulis Cactaceae
How to Care for the Christmas Cactus - Dave's Garden
Jan 1, 2016 · The Thanksgiving cactus segments will have between two and four saw-toothed serrations along the margins while the Christmas cactus segments are more rounded. Also on the Thanksgiving cactus, the pollen bearing antlers will be more of a yellow color while on the Christmas cactus, the antlers will be more purplish-brown.
Cacti and Succulents:Can Christmas Cactus change color...
Dec 16, 2008 · The buds on the yellow, almost ready to open now, are turning pink. Can it be my imagination? We've had yellow Crown of Thorns and yellow Kalanchoe both change colors if they were put beside a blooming red. Does this happen with Christmas Cactus as well? My mom says that this has happened before. My grandmother had a white one for years.