CentriMag Acute Mechanical Circulatory Support Information
The CentriMag blood pump functions as: Part of an ECMO †† circuit for periods > 6 hours; Temporary circulatory support for periods up to 30 days* to support the left, right, or both ventricles of the heart in patients who fail to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass
CentriMag Acute Circulatory Support | Abbott
Excellent hemocompatibility and unparalleled versatility for optimized patient care. Driven by Full MagLev™ Flow Technology, the CentriMag™ Pump includes a free-floating magnetically levitated rotor for a contact-free environment.
The CentriMagTM Blood Pump (Pump) is designed to allow improved blood handling and to decrease trauma by magnetically levitating and rotating the impeller and
The CentriMag VAD : Insertion & Cannulaes - Perfusion.com
Although CentriMag VADs are designed and approved only for short-term support, our insertion technique allows longer-term use, when needed, without forced bed rest. Ambulatory rehabilitation has many advantages and prepares the patients for the next stage of the treatment, such as implantable long-term VADs or heart transplantation.
About the CentriMag Circulatory Support System | Abbott
The CentriMag blood pump functions as: Part of an ECMO †† circuit for periods > 6 hours; Temporary circulatory support for periods up to 30 days* to support the left, right, or both ventricles of the heart in patients who fail to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass
For use with CentriMag™ 2nd Generation Console and Utah Medical Deltran‡ II transducer. Please note this is a non-stock item and may have a long lead time. This cable is identical to the
Indications, Safety and Warnings for the CentriMag System | Abbott
CentriMag Circulatory Support System Indications [510(k) Clearance; 6-hour use]: The CentriMag Extracorporeal Blood Pumping System is a non-roller-type cardiopulmonary and circulatory bypass blood pump used to pump a patient’s blood through an extracorporeal circuit for periods lasting less than 6 hours for the purpose of providing either:
CentriMag System | Chalice Medical Ltd.
The CentriMag™ Acute Circulatory Support System with Full MagLev™ flow technology delivers excellent haemocompatibility across the widest range of patient applications.
Start the blood pump by depressing the SET RPM keypad. Remove clamp when RPM above 1000. Observe circuit to insure forward flow. Depress the INCREASE arrow until the flow rate is at the required level. The flow is adjusted by depressing the SET RPM keypad and then using the INC/DEC arrows to increase or decrease flow.
The CentriMag pump is a continuous flow, fully magnetically levitated centrifugal pump. When the pump is inserted into the motor and activated, the internal impeller is electromagnetically levitated and centered.