Ramps VS. car jack - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community
Jun 17, 2008 · For extra insurance, when the wheels have to be free, jack the car up, leave the jack in place with some tension on it, and place the ramps (preferably, metal) under the car body. Three means of support is better than one. Live long and perspire!
Car fell off jack - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community
Mar 13, 2011 · Some times jacking up a car is tricky. If the car is on a slope and the jack isn’t on firm ground. The fact that the car seems to be driving normally is a good sign. I’d recommend getting the car into a shop and up on a lift for an inspection. If you haven’t had a wheel alignment in a while, this might be a good time for one.
Car jack evolution - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community
Nov 14, 2008 · Bumper jacks are ,luckly, history.The asian cars started the sissor jacks for compactness and weight considerations. Old VW’s with their fit in only one opening were on par with the bumpers. I always carried a telescoping hydraulic jack. Never used much,AAA was only a call away.Seems that a jack was never a real safety concern with car makers.
Car Jack Torque Calculation - 100kg - Physics Forums
Mar 1, 2007 · Car Jack Torque Calculation - 100kg Thread starter akueddy; Start date Mar 1, 2007; Tags Car Mar 1, 2007 ...
How to find the normal force of a car jack lifting a car - Physics …
Nov 28, 2018 · A car is lifted vertically by a jack placed at the car's rear end 40cm off the central axis, so that the weight of the car is supported by the jack and the two front wheels. The distance between the front wheels is 1.60m, the distance from the axis connecting the two wheels to the center of mass of the car is 80cm, and the distance from the ...
Dangerous car jacks? - General Discussion - Car ... - Car Talk …
Apr 5, 2020 · This car weights about 6700 lbs. Seems that I have been playing with an accident to happen. Ah…NO. You only put one corner of the car on the jack stand. With 60% of the weight on average is in the front of the car(on front engine vehicles), then at most you’re putting 2010 lbs on that one jack stand that is rated for 2 tons.
Designing a Car Jack - Best Type & Tips - Physics Forums
Nov 6, 2007 · When using a car jack, it is important to always read the instructions carefully and follow them closely. Make sure to place the jack on a flat, stable surface and use jack stands for added security. It is also important to never go under a vehicle supported only by a jack and to always use the jack for its intended purpose.
How to get the jack out of CRV? - Car Talk Community
Jan 3, 2018 · Hello, the jack in the trunk is a scissor jack. To get the jack out of the trunk, the scissor jack needs to be closed/compressed a little. If you look in the trunk around the spare tire you should find a small tool bag. It contains a lug wrench and it contains a tool to raise and lower the jack (it has a hooked end).
Putting a car on blocks - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community
Aug 15, 2007 · It may not be safe if you just drop the car down but They make buildings that are much heavier then a vehicle that are still standing with cinder blocks so what is the difference. Now if you slowly lower the vehicle down and not just release the jack it should work. I have yet to have a car break a cinder block when I store them.
Can you keep jack and jack stands in cold envronement ... - Car …
Oct 25, 2016 · Sure my wheel ramps and jacks and jack stands stay in an unheated garage, but if it is below freezing I will probably be going to a shop for repairs. Never had had anything fail except my hands getting gas covered while changing a fuel pump in a napa parking lot at 4:00 on a sat in 18 degree temp.