Cable (character) - Wikipedia
Cable (Nathan Christopher Charles Summers) is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with X-Force and the X-Men.
Nathan Summers (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom
Nathan Summers is a powerful mutant telepath and telekinetic who has been fighting in wars most of his life as the time-travelling soldier called Cable. The son of the first X-Man Cyclops and …
Cable | X-Men Movies Wiki | Fandom
Cable (born Nathan Summers) is a cybernetic mutant soldier from the future. In the Marvel universe, Cable's daughter is Hope. She is Cable's adopted child in the comics and is seen as …
Cable (Nathan Summers) In Comics Powers, Enemies, History - Marvel
Sent to the future to survive a deadly infection, the cybernetically enhanced mutant Cable returns to the present and helps the X-Men. Straight out of the dystopian future (the 39th Century, to …
Cable (Nathan Summers) In Comics Profile | Marvel
Sent to the future to survive a deadly infection, the cybernetically enhanced mutant Cable returns to the present and helps the X-Men. Cable has incredible telepathic and telekinetic abilities.
A Tale of Two Cables | Marvel
Jan 24, 2024 · How did the X-Men end up with two versions of Cable? Discover the circumstances that brought Old Cable and Kid Cable together just in time for 'Cable' #1!
Cable's Convoluted Cross-Time X-Men Origin, Explained - CBR
Apr 6, 2024 · Marvel Comics' newest Multiversal superteam comprises mutants who are the best they are at what they do, making them Marvel's deadliest hero team yet. The newborn Nathan …
Cable | X-Men Wiki | Fandom
After the war between the Avengers and the X-Men, Cable awoke from his coma and left Utopia, leaving Hope a note telling her not to follow him. Cable sought out Forge, who was believed …
Cable | Marvel Database | Fandom
X-Men '92's Cable (Earth-78154) Nathaniel Summers. Phoenix assembled Weapon X-Men (Earth-80777) Cable and Hope killed by a bear mutate (Earth-81101) Cyberpunk Exe-Men …
Cable (Marvel) | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Cable (real name Nathan Christopher Charles Summers) is a fictional character and superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel, appearing as the main protagonist of the …