Best RPG for the C64? - Commodore 64 - Lemon64
Oct 25, 2018 · Considering contemporary reveiws as well as comments and user ratings on sites such as lemon64.com, it seems as if - on balance - Ultima IV is considered the best RPG for …
Best RPG game? - Commodore 64 - Lemon64
May 21, 2018 · I am thinking about to play an RPG on the C64. As a child in the 1980s and 1990s I have played these here on the C64: - Sentinel Worlds (excellent) - Mars Saga (good) - Elvira …
Top 50 RPG Games of all-time - Commodore 64 - Lemon64
Aug 26, 2002 · As far as I'm concerned, one game, and only one, stands out amongst the crowd as the best RPG ever made. Might and Magic II (C64 / Megadrive (SNES version had …
Commodore 64 Games - Role-playing (RPG) - Lemon64
Commodore 64 games database with information about every C64 game ever released!
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon - Commodore 64 Game Review
Feb 13, 2005 · An undisputed masterpiece! Clearly the best C64 RPG ever produced (yes, it's even better than Wasteland), and one of greatest RPGs of all time! Play it now!
Phantasie - Commodore 64 Game - Download Disk/Tape - Lemon64
Phantasie is a Commodore 64 rpg 2d adventure game released in 1986 by Strategic Simulations Inc.. Check out screenshots, downloads, cheats and more info!
Commodore 64 Games - RPG 3D - Lemon64 Game Database
Commodore 64 games database with information about every C64 game ever released!
Best RPG Games - Commodore 64 - Lemon64
Feb 22, 2011 · The Mars Saga is astonishingly good. Perhaps it was the lack of hype, but for some reason I, and many others, never gave it the time to really get into it and understand it. …
Commodore 64 Game - Download Disk/Tape, Review - Lemon64
Space Rogue is a Commodore 64 space simulation game released in 1989 by Origin Systems. Check out screenshots, downloads, cheats and more info!
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday - Commodore 64 Game
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday is a Commodore 64 rpg text adventure game released in 1990 by Strategic Simulations Inc.. Check out screenshots, downloads, cheats and more info!