The door manufacturer | Butzbach GmbH
butzbach - the door company. For many years now, over 250 employees at two locations in southern Germany have been developing and producing innovative and high quality industrial and hangar doors. Convince yourself of our impressive range of worldwide projects.
SPACELITE® HTvision | Butzbach GmbH
Door size: Width min./ max. (clear passage width) 1.000/ 5.500 mm: Height min./ max. (clear passage height) 1.000/ 5.000 mm: Headroom requirement standard min.
SECTIOLITE® Sprint | Butzbach GmbH
Wenn Ihnen selbst 1,0 m/s noch zu langsam sind, kann das SECTIOLITE mit der Option Sprint ausgeführt werden. Ein schneller Antrieb kombiniert mit einer extra starken Frequenzumrichtersteuerung sorgt größenabhängig für Öffnungsgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 1,5 m/s. Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick: Maximale Sicherheit bei hohem Tempo, Bis zu 1,5 m/s Öffnungsgeschwindigkeit
Anti drop device for your door - Butzbach GmbH
The Butzbach anti-drop device is delivered ready for installation. It comprises a pair of aluminium safety rails and a pair of fall arresters, as well as an integrated damping system in types 200-D and 400-D. In addition, you will also receive the right installation brackets for your requirements.
SECTIOLITE® Security | Butzbach GmbH
Für besonders sensible Bereiche kann das Sektionaltor mit der Option "Security" für erhöhte Einbruchsicherheit ausgestattet werden.Mit dieser Option erreicht das Sectiolite, als einer der wenigen Tore auf dem Markt, die Widerstandsklasse WK3. Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick: Erhöhte Einbruchsicherheit, erfüllt Sicherheitsanforderungen Widerstandsklasse 3 nach DIN V ENV 1627 : …
Burglar-proof doors from Butzbach | Butzbach GmbH
With Butzbach doors it certainly can. In contrast to the heavy steel doors customary on the market, the fibreglass used in burglar resistant Butzbach doors offers you a high transmission ratio and an appealing aesthetic.
Stacking-doors for your industry - Butzbach GmbH
Fast operation and good thermal insulation – this is no contradiction in for the industrial doors from Butzbach. Our hybrid door solution combines the fast and extremly durable NOVOSPRINT high-speed door with the well-insulated SPACELITE stacking door.
Industrial and hangar doors | Butzbach GmbH
Butzbach has stood for high-quality industrial and hangar doors made in Germany since 1953. The family-owned company supports its customers throughout the entire period of use. From planning, construction and assembly to maintenance and servicing of the solution used.
Discover the new ECOSPRINT® high-speed door - Butzbach GmbH
Thanks to the constant development of the Butzbach production management, we can now proudly present our new horizontally opening ECOSPRINT®. The high-speed door ECOSPRINT® is universally applicable and finds its place in logistics, industry, mail order houses as well as in …
Contact person - Butzbach GmbH
Butzbach Hungaria Kereskedelmi Kft. Mester u. 87., H - 01095 Budapest, Hungary Csaba Laskai 003614766580 [email protected]