Broly DBZ vs Broly DBS (Stats Equalized) : r/PowerScaling - Reddit
Jan 20, 2023 · DBZ Broly got one shot the instant he got hit by someone stronger than him, yet DBS Broly kept getting up and eventually scaled to the point where he was making SSG Goku …
[Serious] Broly vs Super Perfect Cell : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
broly is just a ball of anger and power while cell is smart and cunning. The deal is that cell got beat by gohan while lets just say a year different it took most of the z fighters to beat broly. In a …
All Broly mental disorders (might be Spoilers from old movies)
Feb 23, 2019 · Old Broly I thin get's too much hate, and people who say he hates Goku because he cried as a baby just missed the point IMO. Goku's crying was a flashback to Broly being …
Dragon World - Reddit
Broly soon emerges from one of the adult claws, a piece of a sucker-tongue in his hand; Paragus tells Broly how happy he is to see him, but Broly seems wary. Beets uses the scout-scope to …
DBZ Broly vs DBS Broly : r/dbz - Reddit
Seems to me like you just outright ignore DBS Broly's characterization. Which, funnily enough, is what people do to DBZ Broly. They both have character, but to argue that DBZ Broly has more …
Broly(DBZ) Vs Darkseid(DC). - SpaceBattles
Feb 12, 2020 · Broly from DBZ Movie 8. Broly at LSSJ. Darkseid from Post Crisis. Avatar Darkseid. No Omega Beam/Sanction. Fight to Death/KO. Battle Arena= Amazon World. …
Z Broly (DBZ) vs Omni Man (Invincible) : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Sep 8, 2023 · So assuming Omni even pulls this off (which is super risky as Broly often erupts in unstable ki), all he achieves is angering Broly. This is assuming Omni can even touch Broly. …
DBZ Gogeta VS. DBZ Broly : r/dragonball - Reddit
Dbz Broly stomps. The main screen director for the dbz movies, Takao Koyama, said in an interview that "Even including the TV anime, nobody exists in the world who's stronger than …
DBS: Broly - Full Movie Spoilers - Discussion Thread! : r/dbz - Reddit
Feb 18, 2019 · The only way for Paragus to reign Broly in is for him to utilize the shock collar before Broly goes completely feral. This is a life or death scenario for Paragus. Broly's reaction …
Androids 17 and 18 vs Broly : r/dragonball - Reddit
Nov 20, 2022 · DBZ Broly was shitstomping post ROSAT Goku, Gohan Vegeta and Trunks any of which would stomp 17,18 & 16. If we are talking DBS Broly he wins even easier. There’s no …