Getting Started Guide - beyondpod.com
Find audio or video podcast you like. Best place to start is by selecting + Add Feed from the left navigation drawer (tap the BeyondPod icon located in the top left corner of the screen). You will have access to a large collection of popular podcasts from various sources, categories or regions, including a large selection of free audio books.
BeyondPod Tips and Tricks
Expand the title (tap on \/ in the right side of the header) and long press on the "gear" icon below. (added in v4.1.36) When you tap on a SmartPlay from the playlist drawer, BeyondPod will automatically start playing the first episode.
Beyondpod icon
Download Beyondpod icon, Category: Desktop apps, Style: Flat, Packages: Simply 8-bits #2, Author: Vicent Pla, License: Free for commercial use (Include link to authors website), Color: DarkSlateGray Background
Tips for upgrading from v3 to v4 - beyondpod.com
Welcome to BeyondPod v4! Watch a quick overview of v4. Here are some changes to keep in mind after upgrading to v4. Feeds and categories are now combined in a "category/feed tree" and located in the left (Feeds) navigation drawer. To open the Feed drawer, tap on the icon in top left.
BeyondPod - Slate Customer Service
Your Plus episodes will appear under the show's new icon in your podcast app library. First, you'll need to grab the unique feed URL for that podcast. You can find your unique feeds on the member podcast feed page (make sure you’re signed in to your account).
With BeyondPod you have ultimate control. Decide which podcasts to download, when and over which connection, as well as how long to keep old versions. Choose to automatically update a single feed, all the podcasts in a given category, or all feeds.
BeyondPod Tips and Tricks
If you often check episode notes on Feed Content Screen , there is a "Read Optimized" mode that uses the entire width of the text to open episode notes (playback is started by tapping on the episode icon). You can also long press on the icon to access some additional episode options.
Backup and Restore - beyondpod.mobi
Backup/Restore functionality provides a convenient way to save your current BeyondPod settings and feed subscriptions and later restore them on the same or a different device. Backup and Restore are accessible using: Menu > More > Settings > Backup and Restore.
Search and Add Feeds - beyondpod.com
To open the Feeds drawer, tap on the BeyondPod icon located int top left corner of the screen or swipe from the left side of the screen. If you know the feed address (feed URL), use + Add Feed > Import Feeds > Enter Feed Address.
BeyondPod App Tutorial - Medhead - The Michael Medved Show …
Open the BeyondPod app and make your way to the opening screen which usually looks like the picture below. Click the menu button in the left hand corner of the screen. 5. Click on ADD FEED. 6. Click the top right corner icon. Then click ENTER FEED ADDRESS. 7. Next you will need to paste in your feed URL you copied earlier.
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