Baritone EQ settings - PG Music Forums
Thanks guys, The Antress stuff is 32 bit so will not work for me. However, I am mixing in Sonar X1 PE, so I have plenty of tools.
PG Music - The Barbershop Quartet - Band-in-a-Box
We've recorded each voice (tenor, lead, baritone and bass) on a separate track, allowing you to listen to each part independently. Powerful multimedia features let you study the arrangements, hear the music, and sing along with a top barbershop quartet.
The Rider addendum - PG Music Forums
Sep 26, 2024 · One of the most frequent suggestions on the original post for The Rider was the addition of a baritone guitar. BiaB doesn't have one for this time and tempo, so I produced an opening sample with a played electric guitar. Have to admit it sounds pretty cool even if the playing is a bit sloppy.
Band-in-a-Box 2024 Build 1113 Update (July 23) - PG Music Forums
Feb 19, 2025 · Fixed: RT3163:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesyPopSteady8thsBrent Ev 100 and RT3165:Guitar, Baritone Electric, BackgroundSoloist RockabillyLicksBrent Sw 190 were playing at half speed and down an octave
PG Music - Older RealTracks for Windows Updates
Jan 23, 2015 · Added: Improved RealStyles and RealStyle Demos (.SGU) for many RealTracks: Funk Bass, Retro Synths, Punk, Funk, Blues Baritone, Jazz Background Horns, Bent-note Piano, Oberkrainer, 49PAK styles. Added: Added some new RealStyles and demos for Country Blues Rock, Country Brushes, and 49PAK RealTracks. Last updated December 10, 2015.
PG Music - RealTracks Artists
Guitar, Baritone Electric, BackgroundSoloist RockabillyLicksBrent Sw 190 (#3165) Band Demo Solo Demo Found in: RealTracks Set 345: Bluesy Baritone with Brent Mason ; Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesyPopSteady8thsCleanBrent Ev 100 (#3164) Band Demo Solo Demo Found in: RealTracks Set 345: Bluesy Baritone with Brent Mason
PG Music - Band-in-a-Box for Windows - RealTracks Sets
These baritone styles feature a distinctive playing method, where the baritone plays bass notes with a muted tone, giving it that great classic sound! This set also features an exciting new RealTracks artist, the legendary Doug Jernigan on pedal steel! All of these different RealTracks can be used over a medium swing groove, or a slow waltz groove.
PG Music - Band-in-a-Box for Windows - 2025 Bonus PAKs
4 days ago · This style is a distinctive playing method, where the baritone plays bass notes with a muted tone, giving it that great classic sound! And we've been listening to our customers! There are many requested styles, such as more "Soul Jazz" RealDrums (4), a fast variation on the Celtic Strathspey guitar (1), and the poppy but relaxing "Chill Hop" (2 ...
Band-in-a-Box 2014 New Feature - 101 New RealTracks and More
6 days ago · New Dance Synth tracks. Baritone Sax Blues backgrounds and more! There are 54 new MIDI SuperTracks in 7 sets. 23 Pop (2 sets) 18 Jazz (3 sets), 17 Country (2 sets). Play the MIDI SuperTracks using any MIDI sounds, including our 12 new Hi-Q sounds. 8 New Hi-Q MIDI Synth sounds have been added.
Ying-Yang - PG Music Forums
Feb 22, 2025 · RealTracks in song: 2377:Sax, Baritone, Soloist JazzBalladGary Sw 085 RealTracks in song: 1213:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist GypsyJazzBalladJohn Sw 110 RealTracks in song: 3322:Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8BariDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection) RealDrums in style:ElecSmoothCoolJeffSw16: a: Snare, Busy b: Snare, BusyKick Enjoy!! Mike B.