Who destroyed Babylon Stations 1-3 and why?
Aug 5, 2015 · During construction, Babylon 1's infrastructure collapsed and exploded as a result of sabotage. The second attempted station in the Babylon Project, Babylon 2 was also …
Were the other Babylon stations less technologically advanced …
Sep 5, 2023 · Babylon 4 had more features - it was almost a ship as it had enough thrusters to make it mobile. But that's more budget in-universe than advanced technology. B5 was just …
Were all five Babylon stations planned from the start?
Apr 6, 2014 · Babylon Five is the fifth station built as part of the Babylon Project. As we learn in the episode Grail stations One through Three were destroyed during construction, and station …
What colors are Babylon 2 and 3?
Jun 24, 2021 · Re: ATTN: JMS Question About Babylon 1-3 Posted on 4/4/1996 by [email protected] to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated "What were the designs for Babylon 1-3. Were …
What is Babylon 5 cylinder's diameter and gravity on each deck?
Oct 20, 2017 · That would be rather narrow considering the total length of 5 miles / 8 km (a 50 : 1 ratio length to diameter). So the station would have hydroponics and the innermost decks still …
What happened to Babylon 4 after the war between Shadows and …
Mar 19, 2017 · This was explained in the Babylon 5 comic book limited series "In Valen's Name", written by JMS (and Peter David) so definitely canon. Delenn reveals that after the last …
Why was Babylon 5 stationed and built orbiting around Epsilon III?
Dec 28, 2012 · The original four Babylon stations had been built in this system as well, but after the sector 14 business with Babylon 4 vanishing, Babylon 5 was constructed a bit away in orbit …
babylon 5 - How did Jeffrey Sinclair become a Minbari? - Science ...
Jan 7, 2014 · They were the ones that caused the disappearance of Babylon 4, and took it back 1000 years into the past to use as a base in the last Shadow war. During the journey back in …
When was Babylon 5 constructed, and how long did it take?
Babylon 4 was the biggest & most expensive, and when it vanished into thin space they had almost no funds left for Babylon 5. Also, keep in mind that Babylon 1-3 were sabotaged during …
Is there a canonical map of Babylon 5? - Science Fiction & Fantasy ...
Oct 19, 2017 · Throughout the TV series Babylon 5, we hear about different sections of the eponymous space station referred to by colours and numbers, e.g. "Green Two" or "Grey …