Those Small Hairs Near Your Hairline - HairLossTalk Forums
Sep 5, 2017 · It's not necessarily baby hairs, just hair that's exactly the same as other just not as long. For example my hair is around 7 inches long, but the hairs I'm talking about are maybe 3-4 inches. Same thickness for the most part too.
Baby Hairs? Or Receding Hairline (about To Be 15)
Oct 6, 2017 · You probably have male pattern baldness gene (like 90% of men), but it doesn't mean you will be slick bald in the future. Just relax and wait untill 18, then start treatment if you are so paranoid. It seems like DHTpolice sounds ambiguous
Will Rogaine miniature hairs turn into "real" hair?
Aug 26, 2011 · Ive been using MIN for a while and the hairs I get start out little and white and eventually (few months) fall out and regrow my hair color but don't get longer. Eventually (few months again) those fall out and grow back thicker and grow like a normal hair (it seems).
Are these baby hairs signs of regrowth? | HairLossTalk Forums
Jan 7, 2015 · Bit of a long story so bare with me here. About 3 years ago I started working at a job I was in direct sunlight 8 hours a day. I rarely wore sunscreen but wore a hat most days. I developed small heat rash on my thigh and my dr gave me steroid cream to treat. the cream ultimately just spread the...
Baby hairs / peach fuzz on hairline Four months into finasteride ...
Jan 5, 2015 · However, since I started 5 months ago, I have noticed that there could be more baby hairs across my hairline. I know I always had some baby hairs across the hairline but I tried to brush my fringe back today so the hairline was on display (which I admittedly don't normally do) and it seemed like there were more than usual.
normal amount of miniaturized hair in hairline
Mar 2, 2012 · MOST NON-BALDING MEN EXPIRIENCE MATURE HAIRLINE. That is slow and very long process in which hairline is moving forward. For someone it starts when hairline moves little bit up when boy is transforming into man. For others it starts in 20is or 30-is. Some men very slowly during lifetime transforms from NW0 to NW2 in their 60is.
Shedding tiny hairs | HairLossTalk Forums
Apr 13, 2007 · I replied to this message on April 15th asking "I would like to know as well" and at that time I was shedding tiny dark hairs. Making this reply to my reply I am at 100 days now since I started treatment and I no longer lose any tiny dark hairs, I might lose some longer hairs once in a while and more so when I gel it but that is expected.
How Bad Am I Receding? (norwood Scale) | HairLossTalk Forums
Jun 11, 2020 · The latter rarely go bald even if they have baby hairs. Men rarely develop baby hairs, as those hair will most likely die off due to Androgenetic Alopecia. OP most likely has miniaturization, especially since his hair line has receded. And no, I do not have that much short, less-pigmented hairs sprouting from my hai line like OP.
How Long Did It Last? - HairLossTalk Forums
Oct 19, 2017 · It is all my long full grown hairs, with a white bulb on the end, no baby hairs being shed. I know Telogen Effluvium usually comes on a few months after a trigger, so it worries me that mine started so immediately. It also doesn't seem to be slowing down at all, in fact, I'm losing even more hairs now than I was at first.
Is It Normal To Shed Hairline Hairs? | HairLossTalk Forums
Dec 11, 2017 · I've been on finasteride 1mg eod for 4 weeks now and i've never seen so many baby hairs fall out. The thing is that the part of my head where i have more baby hairs is my hairline, and rn it looks a little bit bad, worse than before starting finasteride. Does this mean that new hairs will grow...