Autorobot - Equipment for auto collision repair
Why to choose Autorobot? We want to see car collision repair in a bigger picture than just straightened panels. We have brought new innovations, developed working methods and …
Products - Autorobot
In Autorobot’s product selection you will find high-quality and long-lasting equipment for car collision repair. Long experience in car body repair and continuous product development …
Autorobot B15 - Autorobot
Autorobot B15 is a patented lift/frame machine combination designed to meet the various demands of the body shop. The full length 10 ton pulling power collision repair machine …
Car frame machines/Lifts - Autorobot
In Autorobot’s product range you will find a suitable frame repair / lift device for the needs of your body shop. Versatile lift / frame machine solutions work both in car body straightening as well …
Mechanical 3D measuring system - Autorobot
Autorobot mechanical 3D measuring system for entire car body is recommended for quality conscious body shops that repair demanding collision damages and want to ensure accurate …
Autorobot - Autorobot
Autorobot Finland Oy designs, manufactures and markets auto collision repair equipment and measuring systems for repairing collision-damaged vehicles. Over 44 years of innovation, our …
Autorobot C2 - Autorobot
Autorobot C2 Quick lift/car frame bench represents a new generation of collision repair systems by working both as a lift and as multifunctional car body bench. Autorobot C2 is available with …
Body shop tools and equipment - Autorobot
Autorobot’s product range includes large number of patented body shop equipment to make car body straightening job easier and faster. Some of the products are suitable for all vehicles and …
Autorobot EzCalipre - Autorobot
Autorobot EzCalipre is suitable for measuring passenger vehicles, cross country vehicles and vans, and it’s most essential purpose is to serve body shop diagnostics and structural vehicle …
SmartPuller Air+ - Autorobot
Why to choose Autorobot? We want to see car collision repair in a bigger picture than just straightened panels. We have brought new innovations, developed working methods and …