Age Calculator
This free age calculator computes age in terms of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, given a date of birth.
Optical aberrations of the human cornea as a function of age
Measurements were obtained in 59 normal healthy, near-emmetropic [spherical equivalent lower than 2 diopters (D)] subjects of three age ranges: younger (20-30 years old), middle-aged (40-50 years old), and older (60-70 years old).
Contribution of the cornea and internal surfaces to the change of ...
The magnitude of the RMS wave-front aberration (excluding defocus and astigmatism) of the eye increases more than threefold within the age range considered. However, the aberrations of the anterior corneal surface increase only slightly with age.
How old are your arteries? - Harvard Health
Jan 1, 2010 · Knowing your vascular age can give you a clearer picture of your heart's health. Two currently available tools estimate artery "age" using pulse wave velocity and carotid intima-media thickness.
Pablo ARTAL | Laboratorio de Optica director - ResearchGate
In this paper, we present age-related changes in the crystalline lens and investigate which OSD zones are more responsible for changes in the lens’s morphology and transparency with ageing.
Influence of age on peripheral refraction - ScienceDirect
Mar 1, 2005 · To investigate how age affects peripheral refraction we measured objective peripheral refraction for 55 young subjects (24 ± 4 years) and 41 older subjects (59 ± 3 years) out to 35° eccentricity in temporal and nasal visual fields.
Optical aberrations and alignment of the eye with age
We explored the relative changes in ocular, corneal, and internal aberrations associated with normal aging with special emphasis in the role of ocular alignment and lens shape factor in the balance of aberrations.
We investigated how the optical aberrations associated with the anterior surface of the human cornea change with age in a normal population. Aberrations were computed for a central part of the...
Optical aberrations and alignment of the eye with age - PubMed
Dec 31, 2010 · We explored the relative changes in ocular, corneal, and internal aberrations associated with normal aging with special emphasis in the role of ocular alignment and lens shape factor in the balance of aberrations.
Age-related changes in morphology, transparency and …
Age-related local changes in the morphology and transparency of the human crystalline lens using SS-OCT. Ashish Gupta, Daniel Ruminski, Alfonso Jimenez Villar, Raúl Duarte Toledo, Grzegorz Gondek, Spozmai Panezai, Pablo Artal, and Ireneusz …