Arachnura - Wikipedia
Arachnura, also known as drag-tailed spider, scorpion-tailed spider and scorpion spider, is a genus of orb-weaver spiders that was first described by A. Vinson in 1863. [2] . They are …
Arachnura higginsi - Wikipedia
Arachnura higginsi, known as the tailed spider or scorpion tailed spider and the scorpion orb weaver, is a common Australian spider belonging to the family Araneidae. It occurs in many …
Arachnura melanura - Wikipedia
Arachnura melanura, also known as scorpion tailed orb-weaver, [1] black tail spider and drag tail spider is a species of spider in the family Araneidae. It ranges from India [1] to Japan to …
Arachnura (Drag-tailed Spiders) - Spider Identification & Pictures
Arachnura, commonly known as Drag-tailed Spiders, is a genus of spiders in the family Araneidae. Arachnura spiders have been sighted 5 times by contributing members. Based on …
Scorpion-tailed Spiders (Genus Arachnura) - iNaturalist
Arachnura is a genus of orb-weaving spiders of Australasia, with one species found in Africa and Madagascar. These spiders mimic litter, like fallen flowers, twigs or dead leaves. They stay at …
Scorpion-tailed Spider (Arachnura higginsi) - iNaturalist
Arachnura higginsi, known as the Tailed Spider or Scorpion Tailed Spider and the Scorpion Orb Weaver is a common Australian spider belonging to the family Araneidae. It occurs in many …
Arachnura - Wikiwand articles
Arachnura, also known as drag-tailed spider, scorpion-tailed spider and scorpion spider, is a genus of orb-weaver spiders that was first described by A. Vinson in 1863. They are …
Black Tail Spider (Arachnura melanura) - iNaturalist
Arachnura melanura, also known as black tail spider and drag tail spider is a species of spider in the family Araneidae. It ranges from India to Japan to Sulawesi. It camouflages itself by …
Arachnura higginsi (Koch, 1872) Scorpion-tailed Spider
Arachnura higginsi is an Orbweaver widespread across the southern states of Australia including Tasmania, in most types of bushland, occasionally in gardens. The female stays in centre of …
Arachnura feredayi - Wikipedia
Arachnura feredayi, the tailed forest spider or scorpion-tailed spider [1], is endemic to New Zealand. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] It is known for the distinctive tapering body shape in females, which …