ELI5: The difference between androids, automatons, robots?
A robot is just a machine that can move and do some task. Maybe it's nothing more than a mechanical arm, maybe it's a whole factory, maybe it's something in between. R2-D2 and C-3PO are robots. An android is a robot that looks like a human. Data from Star Trek is an android. An Automaton is a robot that mindlessly does the same task over and over.
What's the difference between cyborgs and androids?
Aug 17, 2021 · A cyborg can be in ANY form, human like or not (in the former case, a cyborg is also classified as "android"). Android can be made using any technology. It can be entirely artificial (like Star Trek's Data) or part biological (which makes it a cyborg). A robot is a generic term - anything can be a robot. All androids are robots.
ELI5: What's the difference, if any, between Cyborgs, Androids
Android: C-3PO Robot: WALL-E There are other things that are similar but don't fit into these neat categories, such as The Terminator (a "cybernetic organism" which is an android with living human components) and EDI from Mass Effect (an AI with a holographic interface who frequently makes use of an android body, a "pseudopod" if you will).
[All Sci-Fi] Android VS Robot? What's the difference?
Robot. A machines that can perform human tasks. Robot is Czech for "hard labour". First used 1920 in the play "RUR". a) Android: A machine that resembles a human. Android is Greek for "man-like". First used 1886 in the sci fi novel "Tomorrow's Eve". b) Gynoid: A machine that resembles a human female. Gynoid Greek for "female-like".
[No spoiler]What the different between android and machine?
A community for the Nier/Nier Automata & Drakengard trilogy. For discussion of the games, anime, art books, drama cds, music scores, stage plays, live concerts, and other related media.
[General] Is there a difference between android and cyborg?
May 21, 2016 · A cyborg is a human with robot parts added. An android is a robot designed to resemble a human, but is completely robotic. (Originally, an android was a robot that resembled a man, whereas one that resembled a woman was a gynoid. This distinction is mostly ignored nowadays). Pat Mill's comics Ro-Busters and ABC Warriors explore the dividing ...
[General] Differences between AI, Artificial humans, cyborg
Mar 14, 2021 · Artificial human is a very vague definition that often doesn’t imply any form of robotics. Clones come to mind, honestly, or perhaps a very successful android. A cyborg is an organic creature that has had parts of its body supplemented or replaced with robotics. An android is a robot that at least attempts to pass for a living creature.
[OC] Robots vs Cyborgs vs Androids. I've been participating in the ...
Mar 8, 2021 · Its any robot shaped like a person. That is what the word android means. Because robots can have any shape. usualy their shape defines their function. but an android is human-shapped because it is expected that they will adapt and behave in ways we can interpret. so C3-P0 is an android, R2-D2 not necessarily.
[General] What's the difference between a robot, android, and
A robot is a machine designed and built for a single purpose, like a welding arm on an assembly line. An android is a machine made in the image of a man. Conversely, a gynoid is a machine made in the image of a woman. A synthetic lifeform is a living thing created through entirely artificial means.
[General] What’s the difference between a cyborg and an android?
An android is a humanoid-formed machine. Lt Cmdr Data is an android. C-3P0 (to some extent) is an android. Basically, a humanoid-shaped robot. This "shape" isn't a clear line, as Johnny 5 has "eyes" on a "head" and arms, but no legs and a less organic-looking "torso."