UPDATE: Analog 2-buss/Mastering EQ... what I bought, post #28
May 7, 2021 · I have analog EQ's but don't use them across the 2 mix very often. And fwiw I'm usually mixing on a console. If I do it's usually because some kind of gross correction is needed. Like the songs that came in for mixing are very dark and need to add top end, I'll process the stereo mix rather then go track by track.
Why do powered mixers have graphic EQs and non-powered do …
Dec 19, 2023 · I would rather use digital parametric eq for better control and lack of noise. But if it's down to digital parametric eq or analog parametric eq of reasonable quality, I'll take analog, thanks. And if I had to pick from digital or analog graphic eq, also of reasonable quality, I would also pick analog.
Analog cab sim, IR and EQ blindfold test!! (for direct recording)
Dec 28, 2015 · All the above and more is easily done via convolution, and quite impossible with a analog filter. EQ matching is certainly better than nothing and quite clever, but very hard to use where as the convolution solution is quite easy to work with, and can mimic most anything not just cab sims (i.e. acoustic bodies, mic preamps, analog filters etc).
UPDATE: Analog 2-buss/Mastering EQ... what I bought, post #28
May 11, 2021 · I looked at the Maag, but the fixed EQ points were kind of a downer. The Sonic Farms looks great (and similar to a Porter Grinder or HCL Varis) and is exactly the kind of thing that I'd go for, except it's 3u, and I only have the space for a 2u box. Just curious, any idea how much they are...
Need advice on XR12 vs XR16 with stereo FOH and Monitor EQ
Oct 18, 2020 · The stereo main has EQ built-in, either parametric or graphic, but it's a fixed stereo EQ. To EQ left and right differently you'll need to use one of the four insert fx on the master set to graphic EQ. That graphic can be EQ'd differently on it's two channels, the graphic EQ built into the aux master will work for your mono aux.
Low/high-cut EQ for Guitar… | Page 3 - The Gear Page
Jun 13, 2022 · Reason being that analog ones can have interesting and beneficial interactions between the eq and the filters, adding little bumps or cuts that you don't really see but can feel. A neve, ssl, api, trident- they all do something different but it's usually cool and it's never a straight drop off like a digital one.
Is A Small Analog Mixer Still Worth Having? - The Gear Page
Jan 24, 2023 · For recording acoustic guitars and tweaking the EQ before it hit's the DAW? It occurred to me last night that it may be easier than futzing with the mouse and VST's while the guitar is in my hands. I was looking at some used Mackie …
Do you typically record drums without eq, preferring to adjust …
Aug 29, 2021 · There is a third option: Use a plugin so the EQ/Comp effect is not printed/committed. This can be useful when the effect is an important part of the sound. But yeah, in general, good drum, good tuning, good mic, good mic placement, good pre to ADC. Maybe a HPF in the analog domain but that's about it.
Are analog desks still "relevant"? - The Gear Page
Jun 16, 2015 · Obviously people are buying them or they wouldn't keep building them. Lots of routing options and excellent analog EQ & preamps still make them useful. Analog FOH mixers, OTOH, are getting rare and usually don't offer the same utility in a recording environment.
Analog EQ with midi - The Gear Page
Apr 17, 2021 · Effects, Pedals, Strings & Things ...
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