What are the 10 planets names in order? - Socratic
Feb 17, 2017 · As per International astronomical union there are only 8 planets in solar system They are In order from Sun,.Mercury, Venus,Earth, Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune,, Other objects like Pluto ceres etc are dwarf planets.
What are the distances of all planets from the Sun in scientific ...
Jun 13, 2018 · We already know that the distance of all the planets are generally calculated by keeping the Sun as the main location point. The distances of all the planets from the Sun in scientific notation and exponential form- Mercury- 57 million kilometers. Scientific notation- 5.7* 10^7 \\ "km" Venus- 108 million kilometers. Scientific notation- 1.08 * 10^8 \\ "km" Earth- 150 million kilometers ...
How old are all the planets? - Socratic
Apr 17, 2018 · All the planets are 4.6 billion years old. The value is taken as an approx as no one is pretty sure about when the universe and all these planets were formed. And one interesting fact is that all the planets are of the same age, i.e. the Earth and Jupiter are of the same age.
What is the order from largest to smallest: galaxy, universe, star ...
May 19, 2017 · A planet is a nearly spherical body which is in orbit around the Sun. Planets are larger than moons. A star is what planets orbit around. It is the source of light and heat. Our Sun is a star which is many times bigger than all of the planets. A solar system is a star and all of its planets, asteroids, comets and other bodies.
What is the total mass of all the planets in our Solar ... - Socratic
Jul 14, 2016 · From Planetary Fact Sheet - Metric, NASA: Mass # (10^24 kg)#. MERCURY VENUS EARTH MARS JUPITER . 0.330 4.87 5.97 0.642 1898
What are the planets relative surface gravity compared to
Mar 10, 2016 · Taking Earth's surface gravity as 1 gravity for other planets are given below. Mercury 0.33387 Venus 0.907 Earth 1 Mars 0.377 Jup[iter 2.36 Saturn 0.916 Uranus o.889 Neptune 1.12
What are the four Jovian planets and what are their ... - Socratic
Dec 22, 2015 · The four Jovian planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus , and Neptune . The four planets are also called the Gas Giants that is one of their characteristics. And since they are made of gases they are less dense than the terrestrial planets. They have plenty of moons because they have greater gravitational force due to its mass. They also have rings . The four big planets here are the Jovian ...
The Planets - Astronomy - Socratic
Could a wormhole be caused in space by somehow placing planets too closely together thus wearing out and eventually tearing the space between planets? Are all planets layered? From Thesky6 programme I've calculated that the mean sidereal day is 86164.1207742 seconds.
How many dwarf planets exist in our solar system? | Socratic
May 1, 2018 · There are 5 dwarf planets in our solar system. Since Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet back in 2006 there are now 5 dwarf planets in our solar system, their names being: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Eris and Makemake. All of these are located in the outer solar system near or otherwise in the Kuiper belt with the exception of Ceres which can be found in the asteroid belt which is roughly ...
Are all planets layered? - Socratic
Jun 29, 2016 · Yes. It's inherent to formation of a planet. Planets are massive enough so that their own gravity causes different phase materials to settle, a process called planetary differentiation. The denser phases, like metal on Earth, sink into a core underneath the less dense ones. The lighter phases, like rock on Earth, surround the core to form a mantle and either a crust (solid planets like Earth ...