Aikido Class Videos - Suigetsukan
Aikido 7/4: Kihon- Yonkajo and Hijiate- 2 versions each; Aikido 6/20: Advanced Turning- Kotegaeshi, Irimi Nage; Bo- Kesa, Yoko; Aikido 6/13: Advanced Cross Wrist line #1 and 2; Sokumen Irimi Kihon 3 versions; Aikido 5/29: Shomen Uchi- Over head Line; Kihon- Sankajo and Yonkajo ; Aikido 5/23: Hiji Ate and Shiho Nage Kihon (both Omote and Ura ...
Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage 1. Yoshinkan Aikido - YouTube
May 21, 2015 · Yoshinkan Aikido Dojo YukimuraKan.Aikido's basic technique Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage 1.Айкидо Ёсинакан. Катате мочи хидзиате кокю наге ичи. www ...
Aikido Goshin Waza - Self Defense Techniques Push/Pull Flow- From random pushes, add punches, retraction from punch (go to other side if strong), add gear (gloves and head protection), locking flow drill (active and passive counters), One for one A. Set one 1. Cross push- Hara Gatame, Kote Gaeshi, Sokumen Irimi 2.
Hijiate: Elbow Striking In Iriminage - YouTube
Nov 14, 2017 · An application of Nishio Sensei's elbow kata to iriminage (Philip Greenwood Sensei with Dan Cole) ...more.
Hijiate Kokyu Nage - Yoshinkan Aikido - YouTube
Plus d'infos:http://www.dolivo-juku.ch/Hijiate Kokyu Nage en Jiu WazaRetrouvez-nous sur Lausanne à la Rte de Renens 4 (Prilly).
Shomen Tsuki Hijiate Kokynage Ni - Jiyuwaza | AikiTV
Joe Thambu Shihan demonstrates Shomen Tsuki Hijiate Kokynage in Jiyuwaza. .
Hiji-ate - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Jun 3, 2010 · One of the techniques that I have a lot of difficulty with is the hiji-ate throw. I try to turn my elbow over and extend downward but I never seem to really pressure Uke's elbow (my Uke does not have to go on his toes). On the flip side, this technique is really painful when I am the Uke and I have difficulty avoiding the pain.
Hijiate kokyu nage in Jiyu waza | physical exercise, martial arts ...
physical exercise, martial arts, aikido, video recording, training | 42 views, 2 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Aikido for fun: Hijiate kokyu nage. (+380) 97 994...
Aikido Shudokan (Yoshinkan Style) Videos with Joe Thambu
Instructional Aikido videos taught by Joe Thambu Shihan and Aikido Shudokan instructors, teaching the Yoshinkan style of Aikido.
Shomen Uchi Hijiate Kokynage Ichi - Self Defence | AikiTV
Martin Rice Sensei demonstrates application of Hijiate Kokynage in a self-defence scenario