A closer look at the three kanji in “Aikido” - Budō Inochi
Aikido is the subtle breath linking the spiritual and material, the A [alpha] and UN [omega] of existence. Aikido is additionally the sacred manifestation of the functioning of the universe; it is the supreme law that reveals the active principles underlying the nature of things, and the manner in which the world operates.
Aikido - Wikipedia
The word "aikido" is formed of three kanji: 合 – ai – harmony, unifying; 気 – ki – energy, spirit; 道 – dō – way, path; The term aiki does not readily appear in the Japanese language outside the scope of budō. This has led to many possible interpretations of the word.
Apr 9, 2017 · aikidō 合氣道 = The word aikidō is made up of three kanji characters: ai - harmony; ki - spirit, mind, or universal energy; dō - way. Thus, aikidō is literally "the way of harmony with universal energy".
Aikido Kanji Brushed in the Semi-cursive, Gyosho Style
The aikido kanji calligraphy has three characters: AI, to harmonize; KI, life force and DO meaning the Way. Artist calligrapher Nadja Van Ghelue shows the aikido kanji brushed in a vigorous semi cursive style.
Aikido - Makoto Aikido Kyokai, Inc.™
Aikido is a powerful Japanese non-competitive martial art and practical form of self-defense. The basic principle of Aikido is for a defender to utilize the energy and intention of the attacker to their advantage.
Glossary/Terminology - Aikido Jutaidokan
Kanji Chinese characters that are used in the modern Japanese logographic writing system, along with hiragana, katakana, and the Arabic numerals. The Japanese term kanji literally means “Han characters”.
The meaning of the three aikido kanji - Blogger
Dec 13, 2007 · Let's see now what the individual parts of the word mean. Fortunately, every sourse I came across mentioned that the aikido includes three parts, AI, KI and DO. The number of Japanese kanji for the word is also three. Let's see how the individual kanji are explained in the online sources I've seen.
Some Notes on the Usage of Dictionary of Aikido Terms (ATS) and ...
May 15, 2023 · Entries in the Dictionary of Aikido Terms consist of 8 sections; term, kanji, hiragana, explanation, note, related terms, reference, derived words. This article aims to explain the sections and to provide basic linguistic information regarding the Japanese.
Lexique des mots couramment utilisés en Aïkido — Aïkido Clubs …
Vous trouverez ici un petit lexique de termes couramment utilisés en aïkido, classés par ordre alphabétique. Arigatoo→ Merci. Ai→ Rencontre, harmonie, concordance, unité, adaptation. Kanji : 合 . Atemi → Coup porté théroriquement à des endroits vitaux du corps humain. Kanji : 当て身. Ashi Barai → Balayage (des jambes)
Kanji - Aikido Knowledge Base - Aikido Glossary
In modern Japanese, kanji are used to write parts of the language such as nouns, adjective stems and verb stems, while hiragana are used to write inflected verb and adjective endings (okurigana), particles, native Japanese words, and words where the kanji is too difficult to read or remember.