What is Adware? – Definition and Explanation - Kaspersky
Security software actively guards against malicious or PUA app downloads, scans attachments and links, and blocks pop-ups. Your behavior in the digital world is your first line of defense. However, cybersecurity programs are essential when …
Spyware | Adware, Pornware and Riskware - Kaspersky
Adware, Pornware and Riskware include legitimately developed programs that – in some circumstances – can be used to pose specific threats to computer users (including acting as spyware).
Kaspersky Threats — Adware
Apr 19, 2016 · Adware covers programs designed to display advertisements (usually in the form of banners), redirect search requests to advertising websites, and collect marketing-type data about the user (e.g. which types of websites s/he visits) in order to display customized advertising on the computer.
¿Qué es el adware? Definición y explicación - Kaspersky
¿Qué es el adware? ¿Cómo eliminar el adware? Conoce los riesgos, además de cómo detectar adware y cómo evitar que infecte tus dispositivos.
Adware (not-a-virus) | Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia
Adware can employ technologies used in malware, including penetration of the victim computer through browser vulnerabilities, and the use of Trojans designed to install hidden software (Trojan-Downloader or Trojan-Dropper).
Kaspersky Threats — Adware
Apr 19, 2016 · Si Adware no notifica al usuario que está recopilando información, entonces se clasifica como un programa malicioso (Malware), específicamente cubierto por el comportamiento Trojan-Spy. Más información
Kaspersky Threats — Adware
Apr 19, 2016 · Часто у Adware-программ нет процедуры деинсталляции, используются пограничные с вирусными технологии, позволяющие программам скрытно внедряться на компьютер пользователя и работать на нем.
Automatic Anti-Virus - Kaspersky
Automatic Anti-Virus detects threats in opened files and scans apps in real-time as they are installed on the device. Anti-Virus databases and the Kaspersky Security Network cloud service are used to provide automatic protection.
Kaspersky Threats — Adware
Apr 19, 2016 · Muitas vezes, os programas Adware não têm nenhum procedimento de desinstalação e usam tecnologias que fazem fronteira com a tecnologia de vírus para ajudar o programa a penetrar furtivamente no computador e a passar despercebido.
Kaspersky Threats — Adware
Apr 19, 2016 · Pénétration Adware pénètre de deux manières différentes sur l’ordinateur d’un utilisateur: il est intégré à certains programmes freeware et shareware installés sans autorisation sur l’ordinateur d’un utilisateur à la suite d’une visite sur un site Web infecté.