Ashgabat - Wikipedia
Ashgabat (Turkmen: Aşgabat) [a] [b] is the capital and largest city of Turkmenistan. [8] It lies between the Karakum Desert and the Kopetdag mountain range in Central Asia, approximately 50 km (30 mi) away from the Iran-Turkmenistan border. The city has a population of 1,030,063 (2022 census). Satellite view of Ashgabat
阿什哈巴德 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿什哈巴德(土庫曼語: Aşgabat ,发音 [ɑʃɢɑˈbɑt] ;俄语: Ашхабад ),为中亚国家土庫曼的首都,人口1,031,992(2012年),面积约300km²。 1948年10月,阿什哈巴特受地震摧毀,此後在 尼亞佐夫 的領導下進行重建,其中使用了大量的白色大理石作為建材 [ 4 ...
阿什哈巴德 - 百度百科
阿什哈巴德市(Ashgabat,Ашхабад)是土库曼斯坦首都,政治、经济、文化和科学中心,阿什哈巴德州首府,建于1881年,人口103万(2022年12月)。位于土南部卡拉库姆沙漠和科佩特山交界处,占地约300平方公里。典型大陆性气候,昼夜温差较大,日照极为充分。阿市有电力、食品加工、轻工、机械 ...
Aşgabat - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aşgabat (Turkmen: Aşgabat; Persian: عشق آباد, UniPers: Ešq-âbâd; Russian: Ашхаба́д - Ashkhabád) is the capital city of Turkmenistan. It also spelled as Ashgabat, Ashkabat, Ashkhabad, Ashgabad. Aşgabat has a population of 695,300 (2001) and is between the Karakum desert and the Kopet Dag mountain range.
Aşgabat – Wikipedia
Aşgabat, deutsch Aschgabat, früher auch Aschchabad von russisch Ашхабад, ist die Hauptstadt Turkmenistans und mit etwa 1.030.000 Einwohnern auch die größte Stadt des Landes. Administrativ bildet sie einen eigenen Distrikt, den Aşgabat şäheri. Aşgabat liegt in einer Oase in der Wüste Karakum am Fuße des Gebirges Kopet-Dag nahe ...
Aşgabat – Wikipédia
Aşgabat (perzsául: عشق آباد, magyarosan Asgábád; oroszul: Ашхаба́д / Ashabád) Türkmenisztán fővárosa. Aşgabat lélekszáma 695 300 ( 2001 -es népszámlálás adata), a Kara-kum sivatag és a Kopet-dag hegység között helyezkedik el. Aşgabat lakossága elsősorban türkmén nemzetiségű, de jelentős számú orosz ...
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan - Tripadvisor
Nestled between the Kopet Dag range and the Kara Kum desert, Ashgabat is a flat, sometimes dusty city twinkling with unique architecture. As a marker of Turkmenistan's official neutrality, the city's most recognizable monument, the Neutrality Arch, rotates during the daylight hours, facing the sun throughout the entire day.
Ashgabat Guide to white marble capital - Central Asia Guide
Jun 3, 2021 · Ashgabat is a wealthy city packed with marble palaces, shining gold domes, and large expanses of polished streets. Ashgabat means “the city of love” translated from the Arabic language and it was founded in 1881.
Ashgabat – Turkmenistan.com
The land of the Karakum Desert and the Great Silk Road of Turkmenistan is now one of the popular tourist destinations in Central Asia. Oases, deserts, caves, Muslim shrines, dinosaur plateaus and national parks harmoniously coexist here.
Ashgabat | Turkmenistan, Map, & Population | Britannica
Ashgabat, city and capital of Turkmenistan.It lies in an oasis at the northern foot of the Kopet-Dag (Turkmen: Köpetdag) Range and on the edge of the Karakum (Turkmen: Garagum) Desert, about 19 miles (30 km) from the Iranian frontier. It was founded in 1881 as a Russian military fort and took the name of the nearby Turkmen settlement of Askhabad. It …
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