City of Vernon - the perfect place to visit, live and do business.
Vernon is the commercial hub of the North Okanagan, found nestled in the grassland hills and surrounded by three lakes. Why Vernon for business? Find the latest updates from the City by visiting the Latest News.
My City | City of Vernon
MyCity provides property owners with 24/7 access to their City of Vernon information for utility, property taxes, and business licensing accounts. Some things you can find on MyCity include: Account balances and due dates
Moving to Vernon - City of Vernon
Vernon is a great place to live, work, visit or invest. Just ask anyone who lives in the region. The pages below have been created to help provide an overview for those that are looking at moving to the area.
Tourism Vernon - City of Vernon
Vernon offers more than 100 lakes within a one-hour drive, world-class golf, mountain and wellness resorts, great beaches and trails, outstanding mountain biking, spectacular farmers’ markets two days a week, and family-friendly attractions and festivals.
Rock Slope Stabilization (Project 2025-08) | City of Vernon
The construction contract has been awarded, and construction will begin in the Fall of 2025. The project team will update the public regarding road disruptions as the project schedule and traffic management plans are finalized. Project Summary:Tetra Tech conducted inspections on rock slopes for the City in 2008, 2018 and 2023, and slope remediation programs were carried out …
Immigration - City of Vernon
The Vernon and District Immigrant and Community Services Society is an important resource for new immigrants, providing settlement services, English language classes, employment services, and more.
2025 Business License Renewal Time | City of Vernon
Nov 27, 2024 · Vernon business owners are reminded that it’s time to renew your City of Vernon business licence. Fees are due January 1, 2025. A Business Licence is required to operate a business in Vernon.
Utilities - City of Vernon
Where utilized, electricity is provided by BC Hydro in the City of Vernon, while natural gas is provided by FortisBC. The provision of utilities by the City and corresponding rates for these utilities are governed by bylaws approved by council.
City of Vernon Announces New Chief Administrative Officer
Oct 18, 2024 · The City of Vernon has appointed Peter Weeber as its new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), effective Monday, November 4, 2024. Mr. Weeber comes to this role with a robust background in municipal leadership, having served various communities throughout British Columbia as CAO, including the District of Stewart, Village of Queen Charlotte ...
Organizational Asset Management Plan | City of Vernon
The City of Vernon's Organizational Asset Management Plan (OAMP) is a strategic framework designed to help the City effectively manage its infrastructure and other community assets over the long term.