The probabilistic earthquake loss model to estimate the financial loss for insured portfolios is a comprehensive process. It requires the understanding of seismic hazard, financial vulnerability of ...
The UCL East Architecture Holiday Club is a two-day programme of exciting hands-on activities, allowing you to get a feel for what it's like to be an architecture student. Learn from subject ...
Harita Dellaporta is a research fellow in Computational Statistics and Machine Learning at UCL and a member of the Fundamentals of Statistical Machine Learning research group. Prior to that, she ...
An abstract for Martha's talk can be found below. Please note the day and location for APEX this term: Fridays at lunchtime, 1-2 pm GMT, in the G22 Lecture Theatre on the ground floor of the UCL North ...
I am an Associate Professor in Statistics at University College London and Research Theme Lead in Structured Missingness for the Turing-Roche Partnership. Prior to my appointment at UCL I was a Senior ...
Claire Kelly is a PhD student from Liverpool who works within the Planetary Science group at Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London. Prior to this, she completed her Masters in ...
I am a third year PhD student focussing on the detection, preservation and degradation of biosignatures in Martian analogue environments using a variety of spectroscopic techniques. I have a ...
Anna Parsec-Wallis started her doctoral research in early 2024 in the Planetary Science Group at MSSL, UCL. Her research focuses on resolving chemistry of the plumes at Enceladus and within the ...
Amelia is a doctoral researcher in Planetary Science. After completing her undergraduate degree at the University of Liverpool and postgraduate degree at Imperial College London, Amelia was accepted ...
I am a final year PhD student originally from Sighisoara, Romania. I received my MSci in Astrophysics from University college London in 2021 and started my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Andrew ...
Rebecca is a PhD student currently investigating climate change on Mars by analysing ancient river features and reconstructing the in-channel processes active billions of years ago. Her research at ...
Inspire school students to pursue a STEM career by providing educational resources Spread awareness of the UK’s involvement in Mars exploration within school groups aged 7 - 16 Spread awareness of the ...