This project supports transition from primary to secondary school with peer to peer learning across age groups. Secondary students learn how to deliver the range of Gopher Science Lab activities to ...
for purely fluid-dynamical reasons. Secondly, the mere presence of swimming activity can increase or decrease the viscosity of a fluid. A suspension of E.coli is less viscous, and a suspension of ...
If you are at all curious about your place in the universe, or how the very small compares to the very large, then you should read this book. If you have never been curious about the universe, then ...
These resources were created around the time of the 2012 Olympics and offer a fun way to explore adaptations in animals and could be used as part of activities related to various different biology ...
Understanding and innovation in the biological sciences underpin many essential aspects of society, from agriculture and sanitation to the latest medical advances. As a major contributor to the UK’s ...
Above: An image of the world-famous Park Grass long-term experiment, courtesy of Rothamstead Research. Ben Sykes explains how the UK’s long-term ecological field experiments – some of which have been ...
the brain, a group in the USA showed that in depression, the particular network which encodes a sense of self, known as the default mode network, was over-engaged in depression. With psychedelics, you ...
What is Flying Ant Day? Flying ants often seem to appear on the same day in different locations in the UK – flying ant day. Most ant colonies start with a flying ant - when young queens leave the nest ...
The Higher Education Bioscience Teacher of the Year Award seeks to identify the UK’s leading bioscience higher education (HE) teachers, recognising the invaluable role they play in educating and ...
The Royal Society of Biology has announced the availability of grants of up to £1,000 for its members around the world. The new Regional Events Grants aim to support members in organising impactful ...
Today the RSB announces the launch of its new five-year strategy, from 2025-2030, and the unveiling of our new brand. Biologists work across hundreds of disciplines, from technicians to naturalists, ...