Marvel Studios released a 2-minute trailer for its Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, premiering on Disney+ on Jan. 29. Marvel captioned the preview on social media: “Every neighborhood needs a ...
Hudson Thames is reviving his role as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and has said he was worried that the series would be “annoying and woke”. Marvel’s latest ...
Writer Liz Ginis grew from toddler to teen in the green pastures and eucalypt forests of the Bellinger Valley on the NSW Mid North Coast, making her the ideal writer to cover our story on the Great ...
Featuring Spider-Man heavily connected to S.H.I.E.L.D., it eventually offered up its own animated version of the comic book’s ...
While it's unusual for the Marvel Disney Plus series to have more than one season, there is now one big exception.