An employee at a daycare in Georgia was filmed aggressively changing a child's diaper before tossing him into scalding water.
The Environmental Management Commission is considering a new rule that would require industries adopt PFAS monitoring plans ...
The budding scientists collected the tiny water bears in a massive citizen science project that involved almost 30,000 ...
According to information provided by the company, there's less likely to be spills if it's underground, but some residents ...
California braced for the arrival of a massive storm on Wednesday, evacuating residents in areas at risk of mudslides and debris flows.
Some worry a U.S. Supreme Court decision could make Charleston's local waterbodies more vulnerable to fecal contamination, a ...
The report shows trends in the region's concentrations of enterococci, a bacteria that is a fecal matter indicator.
SC environmental justice projects facing funding freezes monitor air, water quality, address affordable housing and reduce ...
For older urban centers, including our state’s Gateway Cities, it’s imperative to make quality-of-life issues a major ...
The Northwest Environmental Defense Center filed its lawsuit against the City of Cannon Beach in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon on Monday. The organization is accusing the beach ...
More than three decades ago, residents who lived along Phillippi Creek donned matching T-shirts that read “I survived the ...
BENGALURU, India (AP) — Most of the world has dirty air, with just 17% of cities globally meeting air pollution guidelines, a ...