Sign up now and get Rs.2000 in your wallet. Offer valid for first-time users only. Apply the promo code to claim the bonus. Hurry, grab the deal today! Get a free ...
We generated induced excitatory neurons (iNeurons, iNs) from chimpanzee, bonobo, and human stem cells by expressing the transcription factor neurogenin-2 (NGN2). Single-cell RNA sequencing showed that ...
Immunofluorescence stainings were performed to visualize neurogenesis [rabbit anti-Ki67 proliferation marker, ab15580, Abcam, 1:200 and goat anti-doublecortin X (DCX), SC-8066, Santa Cruz, 1:500], ...
Acute administration of Dex promotes TrkB activation in the CNS in vivo without an increase in neurotrophin levels. The activation of Trk receptors by GCs required genomic actions of GR. A consequence ...