Dr. Ogidan traced the origins of Moses Orimolade’s departure from the Anglican Communion, attributing it to two key reasons: his refusal to commercialize his spiritual gift of healing and his ...
Having so many talented animators working on a particular anime can only result in an excellent end product. So, One Piece ...
It has been revealed that it is costing the state $12,000 a month to hire a top investigator who is probing a complaint made ...
A declassified CIA report reveals a psychic's claim of locating the Ark of the Covenant in an Arabic-speaking region. With ...
I shared some information here about Russia's attacks on nearly 600 Christian churches in Ukraine during the current invasion ...
Declassified CIA documents claim that the mystical Ark of the Covenant was located by a psychic decades ago in the Middle ...
The search for the Ark of the Covenant was mythologized in the Indiana Jones films. According to Britannica, the Ark is ...
If nothing else, Huff’s comments invite us to re-read familiar texts with fresh eyes, and maybe stop calling everything an ...
According to the leaked CIA documents, the Ark of the Covenant has been found and the papers reveal telling details. Watch ...
The CIA claimed to have confirmed the existence of the Ark of the Covenant by way of remote viewing — aka extra sensory ...
At least, that’s what these CIA documents claim. The Ark of the Covenant (no, not the Indiana Jones movie) was built by ...