More common with encircling scleral buckling than with segmental scleral buckling. # More common if external subretinal fluid drainage is performed. ## Frequently repaired with combined pars plana ...
We retrospectively evaluated the outcome of simultaneous scleral buckle and BGI surgery for patients with glaucoma requiring a scleral buckle for retinal detachment repair over a 10-year period.
CXL does not alter topographic or refractive parameters, allowing clinicians to fit these patients with scleral lenses before the procedure.
Scleral thickness reductions in patients with keratoconus suggest that the disorder's pathogenesis is not limited to the cornea.
An Elysee spokesperson has confirmed Emmanuel Macron will be hosting a meeting with European leaders on Ukraine in Paris tomorrow. Sir Keir Starmer will be in attendance, as well as the leaders of ...
This is a child. It's going to be a significantly longer surgery, given now that we have to do a scleral buckle and vitrectomy, possible lensectomy. So trying to optimize everything before surgery and ...
Concern over coyotes is mounting in Liberty Village-Fort York area of the city in the wake six attacks last Monday.
Undaunted by austerity and encircling gloom, Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC), supported by an institutional memory of one hundred and twenty-nine years of racing and having survived two world wars, a ...