If you're looking for deals on outdoor gear and apparel, the REI sale section can't be beat. Here are the best deals to shop ...
Spending a long weekend off the grid doesn’t necessarily have to mean roughing it. Experts weigh in on the essentials — and some upgrades — that will keep you safe and comfortable Senior ...
The REI board is scheduled to meet on Monday Feb. 3 to determine who will be allowed on this year’s ballot — but Moreno might not even get that far. When Cascade PBS and KNKX reached out to the REI ...
If you're a winter runner, REI has thin layers that can keep your core temperature up while wicking away moisture. And if you're more into hiking or hitting the slopes, you'll find gear that's ...
Ski shop workers at an REI in New York City went on strike after the company took away their respirators. Scenes from the REI picket line. New York City—Deep in the basement of REI’s flagship ...
Tents are already starting to pop up outside of the Tustin, California Micro Center location in anticipation of the RTX 5090 release later this week. As you can read in our RTX 5090 review, it’s ...
That is because they operate in a niche segment of the event management industry — tents and temporary accommodation —which is crucial to the Kumbh and which no other event management companies have. ...
Tent shelters in Ciudad Juárez are made to temporarily house thousands of people and will be prepared in just a few days, city official Enrique Licon told Reuters. "It's unprecedented," Licon ...
When it comes to buying outdoor gear, REI is unsurprisingly one of the top options for most people. Whether for hiking and camping gear or general outdoor recreation activities for men ...
As a lifelong lover of adventures in the wild and a climate justice advocate, it’s personally disappointing to see that even one of our own Northwest icons, REI, has become far more corporate ...
REI Co-op, the outdoor retailer headquartered near Seattle, announced Wednesday that its President and CEO, Eric Artz, is stepping down in March and will be replaced by Mary Beth Laughton, a ...