Na tanečnom parkete zahviezdi herečka Zuzana Mauréry, česká hviezda Eva Burešová i športovec Peter Sagan. A profesionálny cyklista bude tancovať s touto kráskou! Prvý tanečný pár je známy! Úspešný ...
Peter Andre has made a big decision about expanding his family after welcoming his latest child aged 51. The Mysterious Girl singer and wife Emily MacDonagh welcomed their third child, Arabella ...
O slovenskom cyklistickom šampiónovi Petrovi Saganovi sa hovorilo, že počas najlepšej fázy svojej kariéry zarábal až 6 miliónov eur ročne. Trojnásobný majster sveta je už na zaslúženom cyklistickom ...
Po informácii Nového Času, že v desiatej sérii Let’s Dance sa bude zvŕtať aj Peter Sagan, sa automaticky vynorila otázka, kto bude jeho tanečnou partnerkou. Žilinčan totiž nežné pohlavie priťahuje ...
He came to believe the phenomenon was real. By Michael S. Rosenwald In early 1988, the British neuropsychiatrist Peter Fenwick found himself drowning in letters from people who believed they had ...
Peter Phillips, born in November 1977, is the eldest son of the Princess Royal and her first husband, Captain Mark Phillips. His younger sister is Zara Tindall. Peter shares two children, Savannah ...
Priam exemplárny kus! Tanečné topánky si obuje trojnásobný cyklistický majster sveta a hviezda Tour de France Peter Sagan (34)! Športovec, ktorý má za sebou obdivuhodnú kariéru, pritom po vypočutí si ...
Peter Yarrow, the singer-songwriter best known as one-third of Peter, Paul and Mary, the folk-music trio whose impassioned harmonies transfixed millions as they lifted their voices in favor of ...
Peter Yarrow, one of three singers in the 1960s folk group Peter, Paul and Mary, has died. He was 86. Yarrow passed away Tuesday after a four-year battle with bladder cancer, his publicist ...
By The Associated Press Peter Yarrow, the singer-songwriter best known as one-third of Peter, Paul and Mary, the folk music trio whose impassioned harmonies transfixed millions as they lifted ...
By Jim Farber Peter Yarrow, whose caring and righteous vocals for the trio Peter, Paul and Mary helped establish them as one of the most popular folk acts of the 1960s, died on Tuesday at his home ...