They are used in cleaning our drinking water, treating sewage, processing foods and keeping pharmaceuticals safe—membranes ...
Membranes are essential to many everyday processes, from cleaning drinking water to treating sewage, processing food, and ensuring the safety of pharmaceuticals. Now, chemical engineers at the ...
MIT engineers have developed a new nanofiltration process to curb the hazardous waste generated from aluminum production. Nanofiltration could potentially be used to process the waste from an aluminum ...
Nanofiltration membranes are widely used in applications such as industrial wastewater processing, treatment or water filtration at home. They can remove a wide range of contaminants including ...
WAN Yinhua at the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has recently developed an innovative mix-charged nanofiltration (NF) membrane featuring horizontal ...
The chemical industry could dramatically cut its energy consumption by using machine learning to guide chemical purification ...
La nanofiltration, tout comme l'osmose inverse, l'ultrafiltration et la microfiltration est un procédé de séparation effectué par l'application d'une pression qui en est la force motrice. La ...
Separating and purifying closely related mixtures of molecules can be some of the most energy-intensive processes in the chemical industry, and ...
(Nanowerk News) A research team led by Prof. WAN Yinhua at the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has recently developed an innovative mix-charged nanofiltration ...