You’re never further away than an arrow in the eye from death ... eat peacock seven times a week instead of only six. Total War: Medieval 2 is not only a classic of the Total War series but ...
Prepare for a journey through history's most brutal and ingenious weapons of destruction. From ancient innovations to ...
Only eight years earlier, Henry IV had deposed his cousin Richard II, who died in custody soon afterwards. Richard’s rule was ...
Travel expert Rick Steves says this overlooked city in Central Europe is one of the best on the continent. History buffs, art ...
Members of a Cheyenne medieval weapons club aren’t just hobbyists, they seriously train with period-appropriate swords like ...
It's the game where you can mow down thousands of medieval knights using an assault rifle and storm a castle in a fancy ...
Often spun from English folklore or French literature, swashbuckler movies usually entail valiant rogues who don't hide from ...
It's described as one of the earliest forms of soccer with one ancient rule telling players not to murder each other.
Previous discoveries at Sheffield Castle include a “hidey-hole” left behind by a steelworker in a cellar as well as medieval tokens and newly discovered castle walls as the site “keeps revealing its ...
Zakharova called the statements “contradictory” and “detached from reality”. These are the key developments on day 1,106 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.
A bitter and bloody war in Ukraine has devastated the country, further isolated Russia from the West and fueled economic insecurity around the world. The deeper discussion of a European force ...
The prospect of an immediate 30-day ceasefire is a "massively significant moment" in bringing the Ukraine war to a close, our US correspondent Mark Stone says. "This is the Ukrainians talking to ...