an adorable Lego adaptation of Sony’s Horizon Forbidden West featuring Aloy, the heroine of Forbidden West, along with a ...
Horizon Forbidden West improves upon many aspects of its predecessor, Horizon Zero Dawn, particularly the open-world elements. The world is significantly larger, with many areas feeling distinct and ...
LEGO Horizon Adventures, a new video game inspired by Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West, is currently in development at PlayStation and LEGO, the Denmark-based company behind the world ...
plenty of fans–me included–will undoubtedly want to expand upon the stunning Horizon Forbidden West: Tallneck set (76989) from May 2022, which has sadly been retired. While LEGO hasn’t ...
In a rollercoaster week for Horizon Zero Dawn fans, its MMO is apparently not cancelled: "The 'H' that I mentioned has nothing to do with Horizon" ...
Sony is keen to get more people on PSN and is porting a lot of games to PC, but it's shooting itself in the foot by ...
Rather than meaning some type of slight toward Pope Francis or King Abdullah II of Jordan, what unites the countries unable ...
After Horizon Zero Dawn proved successful enough to propel its bow-slinging protagonist Aloy towards becoming a PlayStation mascot, developer Guerrilla Games wasted no time at all in putting out a ...
"The one I was a bit surprised in terms of the number of units was the second Horizon game. I loved the first Horizon game and the game did well, and I was hoping the second game would do even better ...