The events at the Royal Pavilion were reported colourfully in the "Brighton Herald", 1914: 'There can be few stranger chapters in the history of England than that which is being written in Brighton ...
First opened in 2010 after the development of Laine Ltd, the royal pavilion ice skating ... In conclusion, the Brighton Pavilion’s history as a WW1 hospital for Indian soldiers, many of whom ...
Work to save a historic dome from collapsing has ... that a crack in one of the domes on the east side of the Royal Pavilion in Brighton was letting in substantial amounts of rainwater.
Urgent repairs have been completed on the roof of Brighton's famous Royal Pavilion after a fundraising appeal to save one of its domes. Brighton & Hove Museums, the charitable trust that looks ...
The Royal Pavilion has been rated among Britain's most beautiful buildings. The Brighton landmark featured ... in the list among other "cutting edge, historic, beautiful and iconic" landmarks.
Many Indian wounded were sent to Brighton to be treated in a very unusual temporary hospital. The Royal Pavilion had been ... will be relevant for teaching History. This topic appears in at ...
Work to save a historic dome from collapsing has been ... that a crack in one of the domes on the east side of the Royal Pavilion in Brighton was letting in substantial amounts of rainwater.
Urgent repairs have been completed on the roof of Brighton's famous Royal Pavilion after a fundraising appeal to save one of its domes. Brighton & Hove Museums, the charitable trust that looks ...