SCIENTISTS have ranked the worst types of pain people can experience – including childbirth, gunshot wounds and a slipped disk. Unsurprisingly, labour pains ranked pretty high in terms of ...
Participants compared their pain intensity to over 12 medical conditions, including stab wounds and heart attacks, using a ...
While many women would probably argue the worst pain you can experience is childbirth, a 2020 study has found it to be ...
A heart attack happens when blood flow to your heart becomes blocked, causing heart muscle cells to die. And sure, chest pain is a common symptom of a heart attack. But in people assigned female ...
Experts warn someone dies of a heart attack every three minutes - but quick treatment can make a major difference. But while many people could identify chest or arm pain as being a red flag for ...
Finally, bone fractures took tenth place on the pain scale. Meanwhile, heart attacks came in eleventh - with a pain score of 5. Other agonising conditions mentioned by participants included stab ...