The day has come where you've finally decided that life's too short and it's time to get your first tattoo. Yes, your mom will hate it, but it's something you have thought about for weeks and nothing ...
In this pandemic-impacted economy, numerous companies and organizations have struggled to stay profitable and even remain in business. While it’s not unusual for companies to have dips and valleys in ...
Meanwhile, the president-elect of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE Mexicali), Octavio Sandoval, acknowledged the support provided by the municipal government, led by Mayor Norma Bustamante of ...
The mayor spoke with ranchers and residents to discuss challenges and the opportunities that this area offers.
The mayor of Playas de Rosarito promotes female entrepreneurship with incentives aimed at supporting their dreams and professional goals.
Baja California’s Secretary of Tourism Miguel Aguíñiga Rodríguez, together with Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism Josefina Rodríguez Zamora officially announced Tianguis Turístico 2025 to the whole nation ...
Christopher Teal met with Mayor Claudia Agatón of Ensenada and highlighted the importance of strengthening binational ties.
On Saturday, March 1st, Historic Downtown tours called “La Ruta del Pueblo” began in Mexicali with a large turnout. The Director of the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture (IMACUM), Anahí Martínez ...
La UABC público un comunicado en donde brindó más detalles respecto a la resolución de un caso de acoso sexual entre estudiantes de la facultad de Ciencias Humanas ...
La mandataria estatal se reunió con el teniente coronel Julián Leyzaola con el objetivo de reforzar la seguridad de la región ...
Las condiciones meteorológicas que se prevén para este martes podrían dificultar la movilidad de las y los habitantes ...
La llegada del Frente Frío No. 34 a Baja California podría traer consigo lluvias intensas a varios municipios de la entidad ...