Local figure skating clubs mourning U.S. Figure Skating losses in Wednesday’s plane crash ...
The planet that the asteroid was once a part of contained a salty ocean. Scientists found 11 minerals in the samples, but more importantly, they found 14 out of 20 key building blocks for life -- at ...
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau released its updated accounting results on Wednesday and instead of the projected $4 billion budget surplus, that surplus now stands at $4.3 billion. Governor Evers will ...
The Town of Two Rivers fire chief doesn't remember having grass fires in January - but one Wednesday could've ended in disaster ...
New results from a national exam find that America’s children have continued to lose ground on reading skills in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and have made little improvement in math.
Two tugboats are cutting through an area where ice fishermen were reported to be actively fishing ...
The National Assessment of Educational Progress is considered one of the best gauges of the academic progress of the U.S. school system.