And it came with an edict: Make it sizzle. “It got very wokey and some people were not happy with it,” Trump told the Kennedy Center’s staff in a phone call that was recorded by a ...
After Donald Trump announced the appointment of a new chair—himself—at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, ...
The vice president and his wife were booed as they took their seats for a National Symphony Orchestra concert of music by ...
The Kennedy Center controversy has so far been largely confined to America, says Kate Matlby, but this is soon going to give UK producers a dilemma ...
Kamau Bell showed up for his scheduled set with a vow to “turn the ‘wokey’ up to eleven!” Lin-Manuel Miranda followed suit, announcing the cancellation of a Hamilton run that was to be ...
Some members of the group like to do the old Wokey-Cokey routine for their followers, but it’s a broad church. Newly elected senators Aubrey McCarthy and Joe Conway have now joined the SIG ...
“The party demands that they tow the party line which of course is a ‘wokey’ Brisbane Line,” he said in parliament last week. “The Brisbane mentality is alive and well.” The lobbying ...
Last month, Trump removed Biden-appointed board members and had himself elected chairman, calling the institution “too wokey” and vowing to reshape its programming. Trump’s move has already ...