Plenty of licensed games are bad, but the worst sin any game can commit is to be boring. While the licensed games I’m about to talk about pretty much all have their flaws, some more glaring than ...
Nintendo Switch Online is a subscription service available on the Nintendo Switch that primarily exists to paywall online play, much like Xbox Live and PS Plus before it, but that's not all it offers.
Cowboy romances have evolved from the bodice ripper books of the past. What authors Lyla Sage and Danica Nava say makes a good Western romance.
We've got an exclusive first look at Free Planet, a new Image Comics series that combines elements of sci-fi classics like East Meets West and Dune.
Mimi the Cat – Meow Together is a charming puzzle game that blends cuteness and strategy in a relaxing and fun experience. Play solo or in local co-op mode to help the kittens solve puzzles and find ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...