Terming as unconstitutional any prayer having the effect of perpetuating caste, Madras High Court has dismissed a petition seeking to appoint non-hereditary trustees for a couple of temples from a ...
Mumbai: The National Sports Club of India (NSCI) has decided to hold its annual general meeting (AGM) in Mumbai and not in ...
The whole semantic field of 'tool' and 'instrument' is fraught with negative moral connotations. St. Ignatius’ writings , however, show a different tendency. There, 'instrument' both serves as a ...
Pope Francis was admitted to Rome’s Gemelli Hospital on Friday to undergo testing and treatment for bronchitis, the Vatican ...
A bill in the Alabama House of Representatives would cause public schools lose funding if they do not implement a daily ...
The petition accused Vance of "bearing false witness against Jesus" for supporting President Donald Trump's immigration ...
Over 11,000 people have signed a petition by the Christian group Faithful America opposing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) enforcement operations in churches.
according to the good pleasure of Thy Holy Will.
To be used to bless medals, small crucifixes, statues, or pictures that will be displayed elsewhere than in a church or chapel; scapulars, rosaries, and other articles used for religious devotions ...