Belgium new government was sworn in on Monday ending months of political deadlock Bart De Wever leader of the Flemish ...
More than seven months after the parliamentary elections in June 2024, political talks have resulted in the formation of a ...
Belgium new government was sworn in on Monday ending months of political deadlock Bart De Wever leader of the Flemish nationalist N-VA party which ...
Five parties agreed to form a new Belgian coalition government late Friday, concluding months of negotiations and paving the way for Flemish nationalist Bart De Wever to serve as the ... s budget ...
The country’s tense negotiations hinged on taxing and social spending — and they highlight issues facing Europe, and Western ...
N-VA leader Bart De Wever, 54 ... as parties struggled to agree on the budget cuts, tax hikes and pension reforms, De Wever insisted on to improve the government finances of the euro zone's ...
After lengthy negotiations, Belgium now has a new government ready to launch a series of reforms. But the need to compromise ...
Bart de Wever made his name as a separatist champion in Belgium's Dutch-speaking north -- and was long accused on the French side of seeking to blow up the country altogether. Now, after the country's ...
Flemish nationalist party N-VA leader Bart De Wever waves during a party congress two days after N-VA and four other Belgian parties struck a coalition deal to form a new government headed De ...
The opinions on him are divided, but who is Bart De Wever? Once a radical Flemish nationalist who drove a dozen trucks full of fake money to Wallonia to make the point that "his" Flanders was bleeding ...