A ESA, antiga responsável pela E3, a maior feira de games do mundo, agora está organizando a Iicon, outro evento de ...
Empresa que realizava feira de games E3 anuncia novo evento de jogos iicon que terá sua primeira edição em abril de 2026 em ...
Entertainment Software Association (ESA)—still exists. The group is back with a new gaming event, but it's not what you might ...
Para a tristeza de muitos gamers, a E3 foi oficialmente encerrada em 2023, no entanto, a Entertainment Software Association, ...
If it can, maybe iicon will avoid the pitfalls E3 did. I, for one, am optimistic. There's nothing like another big competitor ...
The Entertainment Software Association's new thing will bring together executives from across the game industry for conferences, workshops, and "elite networking opportunities." ...
This is what happens when you let managers and marketers take over a gaming expo. One of the most famous gaming expos, E3, ...
A criadora da E3 quer reunir visionários do mundo dos games para discutir o futuro do entretenimento eletrônico ...
The ESA has announced a new video game event, which will kick off in April 2026. This one is aimed at industry professionals.
Se você é um dos que sonhava em ir para uma E3 mas não teve essa chance, a Entertainment Software Association (ESA), dona do evento, acaba de anunciar uma feira completamente nova.
Rather than try to rebuild E3, the ESA has created an entirely different event to bring the games industry together every year; one that’s not open to the public.
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) announced the launch of the Interactive Innovation Conference ( iicon ) business event for April 2026.