Gun Owners of America, another gun-rights group, contends people should have a Second Amendment right to own machine guns.
Gun Owners of America, another gun-rights group, contends people should have a Second Amendment right to own machine guns.
Gun Owners of America, another gun-rights group, contends people should have a Second Amendment right to own machine guns.
Mobile meta, but that doesn't mean other weapon classes can't be viable. Assault rifles naturally have their place, and so do ...
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a federal restriction on the sale of parts kits that permit unlicensed gun ...
London Lamar (D-Memphis) is hoping to deliver this year with a state ban on “Glock switches” and machine gun conversion kits. These devices allow semi-automatic firearms to function as an illegal, ...
Two men are charged with using 3D printers and LEGO boxes to distribute 'machine gun conversion devices' across the U.S., ...
An industry-funded version of the Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense (DE M-SHORAD) platform is headed to the US ...
One of Black Ops 6’s most overpowered attachments has recieved a buff with some quiet changes that you may have missed.