New quadrupole magnets for the High-Luminosity LHC will use Nb3Sn conductors for the first time in an accelerator.
The European physics laboratory CERN is planning to build a mega collider by 2070. Critics say the plan could lead to ruin ...
A group of physicists appointed by the CERN Council is now conducting a ‘strategy update’, soliciting input from the physics ...
The European physics laboratory CERN is planning to build a mega collider by 2070. Critics say the plan could lead to its ...
What better way to communicate accelerator physics to the public than using a functioning particle accelerator?
Scientists have activated the smallest particle accelerator ever built—a tiny device roughly the size of a coin. This ...
Last week, on 19 March, the first beam-based physics of the year began when protons from the PS hit the n_TOF target, producing the neutrons required for the n_TOF experiments. On that same day, ...
The MCAST Institute of Engineering and Transport (IET) has joined the ALICE experiment at CERN, enhancing collaboration in ...
such as those created in particle beams at facilities like Lawrence Livermore and CERN. TIM is a spy patrolling robot working in the 27-km tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As a mini ...