In that sleepy provincial capital in northwestern Ukraine, just a short drive from the Polish border, I was huddled with a ...
There are no more landlords to blame, no more leases to acquire, no more press conferences to stage, no more haggling to be ...
Millersville University will host a keynote lecture by a holocaust survivor’s son as part of its 40th Conference on the ...
Based on a real-life meeting between two musical greats, the Jewish maestro confronts his adversary, conductor and former ...
Adar, marks the 124th birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson OBM, wife of the Rebbe. We present a brief biography and ...
For much of the 20th century, the world of classical conducting was dominated by two figures: Herbert von Karajan and Leonard Bernstein, who fiercely competed with each other throughout their ...
He is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and served as President of the American Association of University Professors from 2006 to 2012. His ...
Job Loss Is a Kind of Grief
Of course, the end of a job is not the end of a life. It’s an unfair comparison, no question. Yet losing a job and losing a relative or a close friend do share many emotional similarities—anger, ...
La douleur m’a brisée, la fraternité m’a relevée, de ma blessure a jailli un fleuve de liberté” “Pain broke me, brotherhood uplifted me, from my wounds sprang a river of liberty” -Paul Doret ...
Forty-five people attended the consecration of the official war grave of “Gus” Solomon Lipman, a Jewish First World War ...