An expert weighed in on what immigrants can do to educate themselves on their renter's rights and the requirements for finding a place to live.
The legislation aims to prevent conflicts between tenants and landlords by clearly outlining rights and responsibilities.
Heidi Voight announced she is leaving NBC Connecticut to step into the "role as a daughter and advocate" instead.
A document from a real estate agency appearing to suggest tenants get a bank loan or use credit cards in order to pay their ...
But is bone broth actually as good for you as people claim? Is there any science to back up these claimed benefits? Although bone broth has become increasingly popular, it's not new. People have ...
Tenant rights have a long and convoluted history ... and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.
REA Group executive manager economics Angus Moore said rental conditions were starting to improve and become less competitive for Sydney tenants. “We are starting to see some good news for ...
An awkward tenant, has thankfully, decided to move on and handed written notice, which expired a few days ago in accordance with the tenancy agreement (NRLA). They said that they were moving out ...
COVID-19 is at a low level in the community. Read the latest data from NSW Health. Continue to protect other people. Please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Wear a mask if you need to ...
A group of corrupt leaders in a small New York town thought they were untouchable, until one woman’s quest for freedom took ...
An approved housing body has been ordered to pay €750 to a tenant due to “inaction” over allegations of anti-Traveller slurs by a neighbour and allegedly being spat at. The Residential ...