Shah and colleagues take advantage of the presence of maternal and somatic ribosomes in zebrafish and confirm their differential expression during development. The authors convincingly show that ...
Edits which take place that early in the developmental process are passed on to every other cell as the embryo grows, including the “germline” cells that will eventually produce sperm or eggs.
Genetic testing, via germline and somatic testing, is crucial in breast cancer to understand inherited risks and tumor ...
When a gene gets duplicated, it often leads to the recipe being followed too many times, and the resulting “leftovers,” the ...
The study, which was published in Nature Plants, found that within this preparation process, a single female germline cell is produced and is nursed by surrounding nucellar cells until fertilization.
An image of barley's progression from pistil to grain. Researchers have identified a novel mechanism through which a protein in barley ...
SESAUA annual meeting featured a kidney cancer session and a presentation by Dr. Robert Smith discussing how age and tumor ...
Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, led by Nina Bhardwaj, MD, Ph.D., Ward-Coleman Chair in Cancer ...
Researchers have identified a novel mechanism through which a protein in barley supports female fertility and could help safeguard yield security in the future.